b'SETTING NEW STANDARDS IN SCHOOLS & COLLEGESThere is no room for compromise when it comes to creating the right internal environment for teachers to teach and children to learn. Thats why integral blinds are particularly well-suited to educational buildings, given how well they combine ease of use, long term durability, effective shading and excellent aesthetics.Specifying integral blinds for school and college windows, doors and internal glazing elements will help maintain privacy in teaching spaces when required and reduce glare on sunny daysremoving some of the distractions that impact on the ability of studentsto focus and learn.Durable and long lastingAll of the integral blinds manufactured by Morley Glass are built to last. Being permanently sealed inside a double or triple glazed unit, the main blind unit can never become dirty or damaged unless the glass is broken. The mechanical quality of ScreenLine integral blind systems that go into every blind unit we make, also guarantees long term reliable function.Top grade energy efficiency and solar controlWhen you specify Uni-Blinds integral blinds, you can choose froma variety of leading glass products which are extremely effectiveat both retaining heat inside the room during colder periodsof the year and reflecting excessive heat from the sun at theheight of summer.8'